All our Puppies come with a three year genetic health guarantee! Below is our guarantee that will be signed at pick up or scanned and returned before puppy is transported!
Puppy/Dog is to be examined by a licensed Veterinarian within three days of purchase if health is an issue; otherwise, guarantee is void. Guarantee does not cover parasites, internal or external, including coccidia and/or Giardia, as these are common treatable conditions in a puppy/dog. Steindoodles is not responsible for stress related illness due to shipping or transporting. The Buyer will be responsible for all shipping expenses related to the sale of puppy/dog.
Our puppies come with a three-year congenital health guarantee ONLY IF you feed Life’s Abundance Food, Treats and supplements (if you choose to feed supplements) and order through! A high-quality food has A LOT to do with the health of your puppy, we will cover issues with Life’s Abundance food as they have never had a recall on any product and offer the highest quality food we have found. If you wish to receive the genetic health guarantee, you must not feed any other brands of treats or food and if choosing to use a supplement you must use the Life’s Abundance supplements as those are formulated to go with your dog’s diet. IF you choose not to feed Life’s Abundance, you will still receive an 8-month health guarantee, but we will not cover any food related issues, only genetic. If a life-threatening genetic defect is found before pup is three years old (or 8 months old), another pup of similar color and sex will be provided by Steindoodles when available within one year of proof of a life-threatening genetic defect at buyer's expense for shipping. This contract guarantees a healthy puppy against any clinical genetic defects common to our puppies’ breeds. This contract does not include any guarantee for MDR1 in Aussie mixes as we highly stress not using any drugs that are known to cause reactions. Even if our puppies are clear by parentage for MDR1 we strongly recommend avoiding all medications known to cause reactions (MDR1 reactions can happen in any breed with Aussie in it- even if they are clear). A written Veterinarian statement of a life-threatening defect/disease must be sent to Steindoodles. Buyer may be required to have the puppy/dog re-examined at a University Animal Hospital to confirm a life-threatening defect/disease at buyer’s expense.
If a puppy is determined to have a life-threatening genetic defect as above described, the puppy is to be returned to Steindoodles at Buyer's expense or culled at Buyer's expense, at Steindoodles option. Buyer may also be required to provide proof of regular Veterinary care (deworming, heartworm medications, vaccines, vitamins) as negligent and accidental care voids guarantee.
No guarantee of any eye color, coat color, or size of this puppy/dog. Steindoodles does not guarantee a show puppy/dog. Once said dog/puppy leaves Steindoodles possession, by air flight, ground transport or buyer's transportation, Steindoodles is not held responsible or liable for said puppy/dog other than for the guarantees provided in this contract. Disease/Defect caused by tainted foods/product voids guarantee (See attached info on the food we highly recommend feeding. There have been so many health issues involving
food, treat, and supplement recalls we believe and have seen firsthand the benefits of feeding a high-quality food that’s never had a recall.) Seller is not responsible for any Veterinary bills or medications once said pup/dog leaves Steindoodles possession. If any puppy/dog is returned for other than a medical reason, no money is refunded. No other guarantees apply to said puppy/dog. Guarantee is non-transferable (UNLESS agreed upon by the seller prior to sale).
Buyer and Steindoodles agree that if a dispute arises between Buyer and Steindoodles regarding any provision of this Contract or any other issue related to the sale/purchase of the dog/puppy described in this Contract that the parties cannot amicably resolve, such dispute(s) shall be resolved by applying Ohio law and any Court action shall be brought only in a Ohio State Court in Wayne County, Ohio. All legal expenses, including the Sellers expenses, will be the responsibility of the Buyer.
Deposits are non-refundable if buyer changes his/her mind for purchase of puppy/dog for any other reason than a health issue.
It is recommended the Buyer and the pup attend training classes as Steindoodles provides no guarantee regarding a puppy or dog's socialization and temperament problems. Puppy/dog is NOT sold for breeding (unless otherwise worked out) and is not guaranteed to be fertile or of breed standard. It is required that puppy/dog be spayed/neutered by 18 months of age (preferably by 12 months), but no earlier than 8 months of age (as too early can be damaging to the puppy’s growth and hip development) if breeding rights were not given/worked out at time of sale. Proof of spay/neuter should be sent to [email protected] or a picture texted to 330-347-4651 at the time of surgery. If an accident or planned litter occurs without breeding rights being given, owner will be charged a $30,000 fee.
Buyer agrees to socialize the puppy through exposure to people, other dogs and new environments in order to ensure confidence and steady temperament until the puppy is at least 18 months old. However, the puppy should not be taken to public places such as dog parks, where the risk of contracting disease is high, until 4 months of age or older after immunizations are complete. With adequate socialization, the puppy will be of sound temperament in that it will be neither so shy nor vicious as to render it an unfit companion. Bank/PayPal/Venmo/Zelle payments cannot be withdrawn for any reason as the Seller is providing a service to the Buyer by holding this puppy/dog. If the money payment is withdrawn, the Seller is entitled to the funds PayPal/Venmo/Etc. withdrew from the Sellers account plus any charges/fees to that account caused by the withdrawal. Insufficient check funds are treated the same as PayPal and bank payments. The puppy will be returned to the Seller at the Buyers expense if payment is withdrawn or insufficient.
Please Note to your Vet that this puppy/dog is an Australian Shepherd cross (if you purchased an Aussiedoodle) and to be aware of any drugs/medications related to the MDR1 gene (common genetic disease in Aussies), drugs such as Ivermectin, should be used with caution. Steindoodles is not responsible for drug/medication adverse effects to dog/puppy.
Our puppies come with a three-year congenital health guarantee ONLY IF you feed Life’s Abundance Food, Treats and supplements (if you choose to feed supplements) and order through! A high-quality food has A LOT to do with the health of your puppy, we will cover issues with Life’s Abundance food as they have never had a recall on any product and offer the highest quality food we have found. If you wish to receive the genetic health guarantee, you must not feed any other brands of treats or food and if choosing to use a supplement you must use the Life’s Abundance supplements as those are formulated to go with your dog’s diet. IF you choose not to feed Life’s Abundance, you will still receive an 8-month health guarantee, but we will not cover any food related issues, only genetic. If a life-threatening genetic defect is found before pup is three years old (or 8 months old), another pup of similar color and sex will be provided by Steindoodles when available within one year of proof of a life-threatening genetic defect at buyer's expense for shipping. This contract guarantees a healthy puppy against any clinical genetic defects common to our puppies’ breeds. This contract does not include any guarantee for MDR1 in Aussie mixes as we highly stress not using any drugs that are known to cause reactions. Even if our puppies are clear by parentage for MDR1 we strongly recommend avoiding all medications known to cause reactions (MDR1 reactions can happen in any breed with Aussie in it- even if they are clear). A written Veterinarian statement of a life-threatening defect/disease must be sent to Steindoodles. Buyer may be required to have the puppy/dog re-examined at a University Animal Hospital to confirm a life-threatening defect/disease at buyer’s expense.
If a puppy is determined to have a life-threatening genetic defect as above described, the puppy is to be returned to Steindoodles at Buyer's expense or culled at Buyer's expense, at Steindoodles option. Buyer may also be required to provide proof of regular Veterinary care (deworming, heartworm medications, vaccines, vitamins) as negligent and accidental care voids guarantee.
No guarantee of any eye color, coat color, or size of this puppy/dog. Steindoodles does not guarantee a show puppy/dog. Once said dog/puppy leaves Steindoodles possession, by air flight, ground transport or buyer's transportation, Steindoodles is not held responsible or liable for said puppy/dog other than for the guarantees provided in this contract. Disease/Defect caused by tainted foods/product voids guarantee (See attached info on the food we highly recommend feeding. There have been so many health issues involving
food, treat, and supplement recalls we believe and have seen firsthand the benefits of feeding a high-quality food that’s never had a recall.) Seller is not responsible for any Veterinary bills or medications once said pup/dog leaves Steindoodles possession. If any puppy/dog is returned for other than a medical reason, no money is refunded. No other guarantees apply to said puppy/dog. Guarantee is non-transferable (UNLESS agreed upon by the seller prior to sale).
Buyer and Steindoodles agree that if a dispute arises between Buyer and Steindoodles regarding any provision of this Contract or any other issue related to the sale/purchase of the dog/puppy described in this Contract that the parties cannot amicably resolve, such dispute(s) shall be resolved by applying Ohio law and any Court action shall be brought only in a Ohio State Court in Wayne County, Ohio. All legal expenses, including the Sellers expenses, will be the responsibility of the Buyer.
Deposits are non-refundable if buyer changes his/her mind for purchase of puppy/dog for any other reason than a health issue.
It is recommended the Buyer and the pup attend training classes as Steindoodles provides no guarantee regarding a puppy or dog's socialization and temperament problems. Puppy/dog is NOT sold for breeding (unless otherwise worked out) and is not guaranteed to be fertile or of breed standard. It is required that puppy/dog be spayed/neutered by 18 months of age (preferably by 12 months), but no earlier than 8 months of age (as too early can be damaging to the puppy’s growth and hip development) if breeding rights were not given/worked out at time of sale. Proof of spay/neuter should be sent to [email protected] or a picture texted to 330-347-4651 at the time of surgery. If an accident or planned litter occurs without breeding rights being given, owner will be charged a $30,000 fee.
Buyer agrees to socialize the puppy through exposure to people, other dogs and new environments in order to ensure confidence and steady temperament until the puppy is at least 18 months old. However, the puppy should not be taken to public places such as dog parks, where the risk of contracting disease is high, until 4 months of age or older after immunizations are complete. With adequate socialization, the puppy will be of sound temperament in that it will be neither so shy nor vicious as to render it an unfit companion. Bank/PayPal/Venmo/Zelle payments cannot be withdrawn for any reason as the Seller is providing a service to the Buyer by holding this puppy/dog. If the money payment is withdrawn, the Seller is entitled to the funds PayPal/Venmo/Etc. withdrew from the Sellers account plus any charges/fees to that account caused by the withdrawal. Insufficient check funds are treated the same as PayPal and bank payments. The puppy will be returned to the Seller at the Buyers expense if payment is withdrawn or insufficient.
Please Note to your Vet that this puppy/dog is an Australian Shepherd cross (if you purchased an Aussiedoodle) and to be aware of any drugs/medications related to the MDR1 gene (common genetic disease in Aussies), drugs such as Ivermectin, should be used with caution. Steindoodles is not responsible for drug/medication adverse effects to dog/puppy.